
Common COVID-19 Myths Busted

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) effect is not only disrupting the global healthcare system but is also corrupting health education and information. Varying views are existing between scientists, virologists, health officials and workers, and the general public. You need to filter the information you hear regarding COVID-19 as it can be the difference between life and death. There are many common covid-19 myths out there. 

Here are the common COVID-19 Myths that you may probably believe are true:

#1 COVID-19 is Real

Some people still think that COVID-19 is unreal. It is as real as they come. After all, there are over 1 million COVID-19 death cases. That’s all I’ll say about that, and if you’re second-guessing, then you probably should finish reading this blog.

#2 COVID-19 was invented in a Lab

You should know that this is popularly known as the China-lab origin conspiracy theory inspired by diplomatic, foreign, and multilateral relations. Some public officials have openly pointed fingers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology for the accidental outbreak of the Coronavirus disease.

But clinical studies have demonstrated that the COVID-19 genome sequence is identical to that of bats and has a 100% similarity to pangolins.

#3 There are no Licensed Drugs or Cure

There have been several reports about licensed Coronavirus drugs in some countries like Madagascar, Russia, and China. In Madagascar, there is COVID-Organics. The herbal concoction, produced from the artemisia plant, is being promoted as a Coronavirus cure. Yet hospitals in the country are full of COVID-19 patients.

Also, the Russian government unveiled and approved the Sputnik-V before the completion of the three trial phases as a COVID-19 vaccine. However, as of date, the WHO, the global health body, has not approved any drug as a cure for COVID-19. So, infected persons should seek appropriate medical treatment and possible recovery.

#4 Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine do not cure COVID-19

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are common antimalarial drugs. Contrary to some clinical studies, there is no medical evidence that supports that they can cure or prevent Coronavirus (COVID-19). International health bodies, medical experts, and researchers have warned against using antimalarial drugs such as coronavirus drugs.

Although scientists are still understudying this, there is no verifiable clinical data to prove that such malaria drugs can treat Coronavirus patients. And while you may self-isolate and seek medical, please avoid self-medication.

#5 Antibiotics do not prevent or cure COVID-19

As the name implies, the Coronavirus is a virus. So, antibiotics used to fight bacteria cannot cure or prevent Coronavirus. Though a Coronavirus patient can develop a bacterial infection, antibiotics, in that instance, cannot remedy the virus but only the bacteria.

#6 Pneumonia Vaccines do not protect you against COVID-19

Currently, there are no medical-licensed vaccines for COVID-19 treatment. Though there are a couple of ongoing drug trials at varying stages of development, none is yet approved as the COVID-19 treatment vaccine. Coronavirus symptoms may include signs of pneumonia, but pneumonia vaccines do not cure Coronavirus.

Medical experts often recommend vaccines against respiratory ailments, but not against Coronavirus. Just know that the WHO and other international and local health institutions are working hard toward developing a vaccine at the moment.

#7 Garlic, Vitamins, and Minerals do not protect you against COVID-19

I am sure you must have heard people say that if something is too good to be true, it probably is. Well, this garlic-mongering is.

Almost everyone knows that garlic is a medicinal food rich in antiviral content. You may even have eaten garlic at one point or the other. But as exciting as that sounds, I hate to break it to you, but garlic cannot prevent Coronavirus.

And don’t even think that vitamins and minerals can treat Coronavirus, though they are ideal for our health system and body functioning.

#8 Face Masks do not cause Abnormal Breathing or CO2 Intoxication

People often think wearing surgical or face masks reduces their ability to breathe normally. And this is why some even flaunt health safety measures to prevent coronavirus spread. To avoid intoxication, you may want to ensure that the mask fits properly.

You can start to feel uncomfortable if the mask is too tight or loose. Also, you should avoid reusing a disposable mask and change it when it dampens.

However, people can temporarily remove their masks when they are exercising or exerting intense physical energy. This will ensure that dampened masks do not attract microorganisms and hinder normal respiration during physical exercise.

#9 Alcohol, Methanol, and Ethanol do not prevent COVID-19

Just like some people think alcohol can erase their sorrows, some also believe it can prevent them from getting infected. Nothing can be farther from the truth. Excessive alcohol intake poses harmful health risks.e

Some even take extreme steps in drinking methanol and ethanol alcohol content. These can be poisonous to your internal body system and lead to disability or even death. So please, you do not want to drink any methanol or ethanol alcohol content.

Alcohol may be useful in preventing Coronavirus spread only during viral disinfection of home or office surfaces. You can also apply alcohol-based hand sanitizers and disinfect surfaces with soap or bleach.

#10 Mosquitoes do not Spread COVID-19

Some people think COVID-19 spreads by insects, especially mosquitoes and houseflies. Well, just like the misconception popular with the spread of HIV, this is all but correct.

While medical research has shown that the Coronavirus is of zoonotic origin, it is yet to prove that insects are carriers of the deadly virus. Coronavirus mainly spreads through direct or indirect contact with respiratory droplets from infected persons.

#11 5G network does not Cause COVID-19 Spread

It is even more alarming that some people believe that the Coronavirus spread is due to the broadband cellular network. The 5G network was introduced in 2018, and that’s a year before the first recorded case of COVID-19.

Therefore, viruses are not transmitted through the electromagnetic radio waves of the 5G network. Coronavirus mainly spreads through contact with infected persons or contaminated surfaces. So, don’t discourage yourself from upgrading your broadband network to 5G and gain access to fast internet.

#12 Thermal Scanners cannot detect COVID-19 cases

Thermal scanners only detect persons who have a fever by measuring high body temperature. But this does not mean that thermal scanners can detect COVID-19 cases. After all, it takes between 5 to 14 days before infected persons start showing symptoms.

One of the Coronavirus symptoms includes a high body temperature above the average body temperature, ranging from 36.50C to 370C. So, the reason why you see healthcare and security personnel use thermal scanners is to detect suspected Coronavirus cases. To determine whether you have Coronavirus, you will need to visit a medical hospital to do a diagnostic test.

#13 Excessive Sunlight or Humidity does not protect you from COVID-19

Several Coronavirus cases have been recorded from Asia, Europe, Africa, the Americas, and beyond. The virus spreads irrespective of the environmental or climate conditions present within a geographical area.

As of May 2020, every African country has recorded at least one COVID-19 case, and that’s a continent mostly hot, dry, and sunny. Therefore, countries with excessive sunlight and hot weather are not free from Coronavirus infections.

So, ideas like having a hot bath are one step away from body burns and will not prevent you from contracting the virus. And if there’s no reason to believe that hot weather prevents Coronavirus infection, then there’s no reason to assume that cold weather does either.

#14 Only some age groups (older and younger people) were in contact with COVID-19

Coronavirus is no respecter of persons. Sadly, there have been few cases of unborn babies developing COVID-19 through the placenta of their infected mothers.

Also, there have been more recorded cases of Coronavirus in older people. But older people with preexisting respiratory, chronic, and cardiovascular conditions are generally more vulnerable to the virus.

#15 Cough and Fever do not mean you have COVID-19

Coughing and fever may be a result of a viral infection, but that does not mean that you have contacted a Coronavirus patient. So, don’t panic when you develop such symptoms. In such cases, experts generally advise that you immediately seek medical care, especially if it is a combination of cough, fever, and difficulty breathing.


Staying safe is staying away from misinformation.

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